Our World Mission
It is a matter of common experience that it is only by developing one's unique characteristics that man rises to his full stature, and enjoys bliss and happiness. So, to seek harmony among the various characteristics has been our special contribution to the world thought. Thus, in short, we stand for a harmonious synthesis among nations, and not their obliteration.
It is clear, therefore, that the mission of reorganizing the Hindu people on the lines of their unique national genius, which the Sangh has taken up, is not only a great process of true national regeneration of Bharat, but also the inevitable pre-condition to realize the dream of world unity and human welfare. For, it is the grand world-unifying thought of Hindus alone that can supply the abiding basis for human brotherhood, that knowledge of the Inner Spirit which will charge the human mind with the sublime urge to toil for the happiness of mankind, while opening out full and free scope for every small life-speciality on the face of the earth to grow to its full stature.
This knowledge is in the safe custody of Hindus alone. It is a divine trust, we may say, given to the charge of the Hindus by Destiny. And when a person possesses a treasure, a duty is laid upon him to safeguard it and make it available for the welfare of others. If he fails in that supreme duty, he ruins not only himself but also others. Hence the sacred duty of preserving the Hindu society in sound condition has devolved upon us.
How can we say that it is the Hindu society alone that can fulfill this grand world mission and none else? History had recorded that it is in this land alone that, right from the hoary times, generation after generation of thinkers and philosophers, seers and sages rose to unravel the mysteries of human science of realization of that Great Unifying Principle. The penance and sacrifice and experience of hundreds of centuries of a whole nation is there as the inexhaustible fountain-head of this knowledge to assuage the spiritual thirst of the world.
Further, it was not mere dry knowledge confined to the intellectual speculations of a few thinkers sitting in their forest hermitages. It was a living thought driving our ancestors - thinkers, administrators, merchants, scientists, artistes and philosophers - to reach distant lands carrying that message of world brotherhood. Wherever they stepped, they taught the local people the spiritual and cultural values of life, taught them the sciences of material prosperity as well and built up a homogeneous brotherhood of nations under their benign wings. Our Hindu society - strong, self-confident and self-effulgent - acted as the fulcrum of that far-flung empire of the Spirit.
Our arms stretched as far as America on the one side - that was long before Columbus 'discovered' America! - and on the other side to China, Japan, Cambodia, Malaya, Siam, Indonesia and all the South-East Asian countries and right up to Mongolia and Siberia in the North. One powerful political empire too spread over these South East areas and continued for 1400 years, - the Shailendra empire alone flourishing for over 700 years - standing as a powerful bulwark against Chinese expansion.
During all these centuries, there were neither uprisings by the local people nor their exterminations which would have been the inevitable result if there been the slightest sign of domination or exploitation by a foreign people and a foreign culture. On the contrary, those people were grateful to us. That stands in glowing contrast to the bloodstained pages of the history of expansion of Islam, Christianity and now Communism and of the various 'world conquerors' produced by other countries. Even to this day, the basic life-pattern of many of those people is Hindu. They bear Hindu names. We find so many Hindu faces all over there, proud of their Hindu heritage, even though many of them are now Muslims by religion.
However, today such a glorious heritage is being condemned and brushed aside by its own children. It has become a fashion these days to deride our ancient ideals and traditions and talk of recasting our society in the mould of other modern 'isms'. But such attempts at supplanting our life-pattern by another, paying no heed to the natural blossoming of our innate character, can only result in degeneration.
It is inevitable, therefore, that in order to be able to contribute our unique knowledge to mankind in order to be able to live and strive for the unity and welfare of the world, we stand before the world as a self-confident, resurgent and mighty nation. The Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh has resolved to fulfill this age-old national mission by forging, as the first step, the present-day scattered elements of the Hindu society into an organized and invincible force, both on the plane of the spirit and on the plane of material life.